Tom, Jenn, Lindsey, Desi, Charly & Wyatt
"The Savior emphasized the importance of keeping records. And one of the most valuable records is the one you keep of your own life." Spencer W. Kimball
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Epic Fail
Today was an epic fail as a mother...lost my temper more times than I can remember, check. Kids went to bed crying, check. Desi asked me why I get so mad all the time, check. Lindsey stayed downstairs all night because of the crying, check. Wyatt fell over several times while trying to stand on his own, check. I stayed in my pajamas all day, check. Charly screamed and cried more times than I can remember, check. I told Charly to go away while I was on the phone because she was throwing a temper tantrum, check. I feel like going to bed crying, check. I feel like a mad woman who's losing her mind, check! Why is it when I feel like I'm starting to do better, I realize how many things I need to do and all the things I need to work on? The funny thing is when I think about how there are so many better moms out there, I realize I don't want a different mom for my kids because they wouldn't know all their likes, dislikes and quirks like I do and at the end of the day, my kids still want ME.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
My kids
This afternoon Charly came up to me and said, my name is Charly Purple Rapunzel Princess. She loves dressing up and will wear her princess dress anywhere I let her. Yes, I am "that" mom who lets her wear it to walmart. The funny thing is she loves pink and everything has to be pink or she gets mad. I'm surprised she was wearing a purple dress. When I try to get her to wear a purple shirt she says that's purple not pink, I want pink.
Desi just came upstairs and starting singing, don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me. Where does she learn this from? I can't remember the last time I ever heard that song.
Wyatt has been smiling every day for about a week. I kept thinking I should get a picture but I knew as soon as I pulled out the camera, he would stop so I just enjoyed them all to myself. Today when he started smiling I pulled out my phone and he just stared at it with a straight face so I took a picture anyway. While I was reviewing pictures, I looked over and noticed he was grinning at me. What a stinker!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Taking Time To Listen
I'm so blessed to have amazing family and friends! I am so grateful to have a best friend in my husband who loves me even though I have a little crazy in me! And last but not least, my two little munchkins who remind me to take time for the little things. We went to Aunt Wendy's house tonight and as we got to the front door Desi said, What's that noise mama? I don't know, I said. She replied, It's crickets, I can hear crickets with my ears! I can hear sounds with my ears! Here's to hoping you take time to stop and listen to the crickets.=)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
New Rectangle!
We got a new "rectangle" today as Desi calls it or the rest of us know it as a microwave. Our wonderful neighbor, Andrea, gave us their old microwave and oven! I now have a microwave above my stove! I love having more counter space! As I used my new stove to make dinner tonight, I realized once again how long it takes to make dinner. You have the prep time, cook time and clean up time. I'm so grateful for my Mom who made dinner every night, even if it was grilled cheese or hot dogs sometimes. She always made sure we sat down together as a family for dinner and usually made my Dad put down the newspaper so we could have a family conversation. I love her for the effort she made even though I'm sure we grumbled and moaned. I really appreciate it now and realize the importance of it. I love you, Mom!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Poor Choppy
Thursday night, Charly decided to go into the laundry room and shut the door. I had left a heavy, framed mirror behind the door that hadn't been put up yet and it fell on her scraping and bruising her poor little nose. Thank goodness it's not broken!
Friday morning, we went to Boondocks with my family. Desi loves bowling and the merry-go-round. Charly loved all the space to walk around! And my niece loved the fan by the ball return.

Friday night, the sisters had a craft night and my Mom graciously took my girls for the night. We got a lot done and I can't wait to put up my spring things! Here are just a couple of crafts we did.

Saturday, we went to pick up the girls and I ran Charly over to Krista's to get her hair cut. I love it! It looks so much better than the mullet she had!

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