"The Savior emphasized the importance of keeping records. And one of the most valuable records is the one you keep of your own life." Spencer W. Kimball

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fifteen Months

We went to the doctor's for Desi's fifteen month visit and she looks good! No ear infection! She is catching on to the shot thing. When I lay her down on the table she gets nervous and starts to wiggle. Needless to say, she was NOT happy! I wish they gave out suckers, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She is 30 3/4 inches long which puts her in the 75th percentile and is in the 30th percentile for weight at 21.5 pounds.

St. George

Tom has been working in St. George during the week so Desi and I went down to visit him last week. I had fun shopping and Desi had lots of fun playing at the playground. At first she was hesitant of the slides but after we went down with her a couple times, she wanted to go again and again! She loved just being able to walk around and play with what she wanted. We stopped by the St. George Temple one night and went through the visitor's center. We also stopped at the WalMart and I saw this sign next to where we parked. Huh! None of us knew what to think. How can someone tell if your kids are sick or not and if they are, I hope they don't normally have to drag them into the store!

Horrible Mother

I'm a horrible mother and you will agree with me when you hear what I did. Two weeks ago, I put some small candles out in my room to make it smell better and went in the other room to put Desi to bed. I got distracted about picking out what to wear for church the next day and within a minute I heard Desi from the other room crying. The first thought that went through my head was that she had tripped and fallen but I ran into my room and she was holding the candle! Some wax had dripped onto her finger! I felt soooooo bad! I thought the candles would be fine because of course I was putting her to bed! So now she has/had a blister on her finger. I wonder how old she will be when she touches the stove...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I'm sure you all think that I don't have a good excuse for not blogging but here's what I've been up to the last two and a half months.
Starting November 18th:

Desi turned ONE!

The next week was Thanksgiving.

At the beginning of December, we took Desi to Temple Square for the first time.

Before we knew it, it was Tom's birthday and the day after that was Christmas. And a week and a half after that, it was my birthday.

Then two weeks after that, Tom and I celebrated our 4th anniversary!

And after another two weeks, we sold our house!
In the midst of all of that, Desi is on her fourth round of antibiotics for her second ear infection she's had in the last two months and she has cut four molars! She is now 14 1/2 months old, walking around like crazy and shares her opinion with just about anybody! She has quite the sense of humor and when she wants to she gives the best kisses! She is so sweet but don't let that fool you, she's got a temper!