"The Savior emphasized the importance of keeping records. And one of the most valuable records is the one you keep of your own life." Spencer W. Kimball

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

'Tis the Season...

'Tis the season to be thankful. I've been thinking this last week about things that I am thankful for and I wanted to journal them for future years to look back on. So here are a few that I know I take for granted in no particular order:

1. disposable diapers, I am so glad I don't have to wash dirty diapers!

2. modern medicine

3. tampons, 'nuff said

4. insurance, necessary evil

5. temple work, I'm thankful that we can help make families forever by doing ordinances for the dead

6. motherhood, what an amazing experience to see the world through innocent eyes!

7. a place I can call "home"

8. my husband, who gives me a sense of security and fills my life with love and laughter

9. running water, electricity, air conditioning and heating

10. having the knowledge of never being alone

11. my calling, kids make me feel so alive and full of worth, especially the nursery ones

12. those fighting for our freedoms so that I can be with my family eating turkey and pie

13. the scriptures, it gives me the strength to keep going day to day

14. to be a part of a wonderful family

15. the Atonement, without the sacrifice of my Savior I wouldn't be where I am today


A New Aunty (well, sort of) said...

What a wonderful list!

Becky Darling said...

Very Awesome Jenn, I have to say ditto!!!

Jeanette Atkinson said...

Great list! Why am i not mentioned specifically? JK JK