Tom cut his hair so now I'm cutting mine. I went to Clairol's website and tried different hairdos but I can't decide which style to go with. So look at
#2 and
#3 and let me know what you think. (Just ignore the hair color, it made me pick one so there is a before and after picture of the color.)
OK, I like #2 the best but I think you could pull off all three hair styles with the same cut! What cute choices, are you really going to do it ~ you have been growing your hair out for so long...
I like #2 best as well. Very cute!
I like 1 or 3
I'm gonna go with #1. Very cute.
I think all are cute, but I love #3! I am jealous of your thick hair! Anyway, I think they would all be cute. (#2 is runner-up.)
I've thought more about it...what's important is what do you like? And which one does Tom like?
Gonna chose number 2, I am a pony tail kind of gal and it looks like you could still pull it back if you need to... so number 2 it is..
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