"The Savior emphasized the importance of keeping records. And one of the most valuable records is the one you keep of your own life." Spencer W. Kimball

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sick of Being Sick

I know I sound like a little child, but I just want someone to take care of me! Don't get me wrong I love being pregnant because I can't wait for my little girl to come, but I'm sick of the morning sickness and this morning I woke up throwing up and sitting on the toilet. I finally fell asleep for a few hours and thought I felt better but then I ran to the bathroom only to sit on the toilet and throw up again several more times. I tried drinking because I am so worried about getting dehydrated and I'm so thirsty, but I threw it back up. At least the Coke has stayed down, for now. And now I'm up because laying down hurts because I've been in bed all day! I am excited for the campout though and you would think that by now I would have directions of how to get there to everyone, but thankfully you are all patient and I'm sorry I haven't been the most organized person lately. Check back Sunday night and the directions should be on my blog. Good news, Tom has found another girl name that he likes instead of just Kennedy! Danielle, not my fave, but at least we are making progress!


Mickie and Matt said...

Sorry Jenn! That stinks! I thought that they had medication to help you with that though... Have fun on the camp out!

A New Aunty (well, sort of) said...

Yeah, I wonder if you're morning sickness meds would work on the stomach bug. Couldn't hurt, right? ;)

Glad to hear you are starting to work out the name. There are so many good ones. We once met a little girl named London. (I think that's where her parents went on their honeymoon. Oh no, don't name your baby "Mesquite.")